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Welcome Alien

Propaganda video to get aliens to earth.

video, animation, motion, illustration, sound design


Create a time capsule for future generations and/or extraterrestial life.

What I did

Our treatment of animals today is unsustainable. People often see a meal without meat as incomplete. Domestic animal breeding causes genetic issues, and confining wild animals for entertainment is unjustifiable.

This perspective is central to my Golden Record. We're exploring meat industry alternatives, but why stop there? Let's also find substitutes for our pets and entertainment. My time capsule is a video meant to attract aliens, promising them good care, as we claim to give our animals. All well-behaved, cute-looking aliens are welcome on earth*!

*except when they don’t fit in a plush basket, or turn out to taste great at the barbecue.

Use of color

In the video, three key roles are represented using specific colors: humans in white, symbolizing a white flag, aliens in green, representing newcomers, and animals in red, indicating both love and danger.
This color scheme considers the possibility of aliens having limited color perception. Additionally, it emphasizes the uniformity of all animals, regardless of how differently we treat them.


The video was subtitled, so aliens who do not speak the English language are sure to feel welcome as well.