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The Present Judgement

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I collaborated with Joey and Jens on the assignment to create an extension for an artwork, of our choice, using AI. This extension would be on display during museum night at MSK Ghent.
What we did
Our concept: "What if the painting could look back?

The Last Judgement by Raphael Coxie
    This idea plays on the fact that visitors in museums often judge works of art, but what would it be like if the roles were reversed? We selected "The Last Judgement" by Raphael Coxie, a painting depicting God's ultimate judgment (whether you go to hell or heaven) as the basis of our project. This concept was turned into a pitch and it was given to everyone who (didn't) want to hear it (even Dries De Poorter couldn't escape).

    After many pitches, feedback, extensive to-do lists, back-and-forth emails, coding and tinkering, we showcased at MSK on December 7th with The Present Judgement. Instead of being sent to hell or heaven by the painting, our work offered visitors a present evaluation and advice about life. This was printed on a checkout ticket as a tangible reminder and source of reflection.

Techniques used: Python, Azure, DMX, Sonic Pi and ChatGPT