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Friendly companion app to help you build and maintain routine.


Create a digital tool to help people who struggle with mental health..

What I did
I designed Cooper the corgi. This app will help you build and maintain routine in a non-judgmental, enthusiastic manner. Routine serves as the cornerstone of our mental health, yet it's often the first casualty when we begin to feel unwell. Maintaining a routine provides a sense of structure, control, and purpose that can significantly support individuals in managing their mental health and overall well-being.

To help you build and mainting routine, I created a virtual pet. Cooper can give you different notifications, depending on your needs. Options are: eating, going outside, texting a friend, sleeping and mindful moments (breathing exercise).

Cooper is always happy to see you. He won’t hold it against you if you skip a step in your routine (no streaks), he remains your biggest fan!